Ogilvy Social Lab / Panenka

Ogilvy Social Lab / Panenka
La Pelota de Dios is a Cannes Silver Lion award winner in the Entertainment for Sport category. A project for Panenka magazine, with the idea of Ogilvy Social Lab, and produced by us. Directed by Matias Saravia and Larissa Cambauva. 
The Idea

When Ogilvy Social Lab told us about their idea of The ball of God Diego had just passed away. We had one week to produce and to share on Panenka's Social Media our tribute to the "10". It was a simple production design, apparently, but we decided to make it bigger. "We had to film in Argentina if we wanted this to get the strength that we were looking for and that the idea deserved. The Ogilvy team was very supportive from the first moment." - J.S.R. Executive Producer

"The film was shot in the real "potrero", Villa Fiorito, were Diego Maradona was born, and started his legend. It's A TRIBUTE to DIEGO MARADONA'S FOOTBALL LEGACY."
J. San Roman - Executive Producer

In about six hours we had contacted an Argentinian producer, Saravia Payo from Mama Hungara Films, who had already filmed a whole movie in Villa Fiorito the previous year. He was our man to make Diego's tribute a reality in his own childhood home. 

The production

Producing this movie was an interesting exercise of worldwide collaboration. Bearing in mind that this was produced during the pandemic lockdown, it was more complicated to coordinate all the parts involved. On one hand we had the creatives in Amsterdam, creating the campaign and in constant communication with the client, Panenka. On the other hand, we had the director, Matias Saravia, in Brasil, who had to fly to Buenos Aires in a time that flying was complicated. All supervised from the Production Company center base in Madrid. Showing an exemplar attitude and working with great synergy, we were able to pull off a project that would later win a Cannes Silver Lion.

The Passion

Villa fiorito is not the safest place in the world to go film, really. Luckily we knew a guy who was a Boca Juniors supporter and was well known in the place. We also had a few military personnel to make sure nothing happened. But, in the end, we were filming a movie about Diego Maradona, and everyone in the village was happy that we were helping to keep El Diego's legacy alive.


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